Door Latch Stuck: How to Get Your Door Open

If your door latch is stuck inside the door, don’t panic! There are several ways that you can get your door open without having to call a locksmith. In this blog post, we will discuss three methods that you can use to get your door open. We will also provide tips on how to prevent your door latch from getting stuck in the future.

door latch jammed

So why does the door latch get stuck in the first place?

Door latches can become caught for a variety of reasons. First, if the door’s hole is too large, the latch might shift and become trapped. Second, if the door is not lubricated for an extended period of time, it may get dry and sticky and become stuck. Last but not least, if something is obstructing the door latch, it might not be able to move freely and might get stuck. Another frequent cause of a jammed door latch is slamming the door too firmly.

The latch may rust over time as a result of rain, snow, bad weather, and dust. All of these elements have the potential to make the latch difficult to move and sticky. It is crucial to routinely lubricate your door latch if you reside in a region with a lot of rain or snow. Use tri flow or any lubricant with a Teflon base. This will aid in preventing the door latch from becoming stuck and will assist keep it moving smoothly.

Latch jamming can also be a problem when there are problems with the frame alignment. The door may settle and the frame may go out of alignment over time. As a result, it will be challenging for the latch to align with the frame’s hole. By removing the screws holding the door in place, you may try to modify it before reinstalling it. If that doesn’t work, you might need to book your free consultation by calling Goodfellow Locksmith at 720-313-7854 or visiting their website.

Method 1: Use a flathead screwdriver

The first method that you can use to get your door open is by using a flathead screwdriver. Insert the flathead screwdriver into the space between the door and the frame. Then, twist the screwdriver until the latch pops out of the hole. Frame plate screws are usually located on the inside of the door, so you may need to remove them before you can access the latch.

how to fix a jammed car door latch

Method 2: Use a credit card

The second method that you can use to get your door open is by using a credit card. Slide the credit card into the space between the door and the frame. Then, bend the credit card so that it presses against the latch. You may need to wiggle the credit card back and forth before the latch pops out of the hole. Make sure your credit card is of hard plastic so that it doesn’t bend too easily.

Method 3: Use a pair of pliers

The last method that you can use to get your door open is by using a pair of pliers. Insert the tips of the pliers into the space between the door and the frame. Then, twist the pliers until the latch pops out of the hole. Needle head pliers are best for this method as they have a smaller head and can fit into tighter spaces.

Unscrew the handle set screws. You can find these on the inside of the door. You can remove these with a flathead screwdriver. Be careful not to strip the screws. Once the handle set is off break the latch piece by piece to release the latch from the frame hole.

Check to see if the door has a hole behind the doorknob. If so, insert a paperclip or straighten a wire hanger into the hole and push until you feel or hear the latch click. This will release the door so you can open it.

After everything you have tried…

If your door latch is still not working, you may need to replace it. You can purchase a new door latch at your local hardware store or online. Make sure to measure the size of the hole in the door so that you purchase the correct size. You can also take the old door latch with you to the store to make sure you get an exact match.

If your door is still not closing properly, you may need to replace the hinges. This is a more difficult repair and should be done by a professional.

door latch is stuck
Installation of a brass door lock latch with handles.

You know the latch is about to get stuck when the handle sticks or feels hard to push down. Don’t wait for it to become very hard and then replace it. Instead, we recommend to change your latch every 2-3 years. Depending on the quality, some latches may last longer but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Other reasons why your door latch gets stuck

Sometimes the latch connects with the deadbolt. In this case, the door will be more difficult to open. The best way to remove the deadbolt is by using a drill. First, you need to remove the screws that hold the deadbolt in place. Then, use a drill bit that is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bolt. Drill through the center of the bolt until it is.

Check the deadbolt first to make sure that it is not the cause of the problem. If the deadbolt is not the problem, then you can go ahead with one of the other methods mentioned above.

In other cases a loose screw on the strike plate can cause an issue. This can definitely lead to a door latch jam. The strike plate is the metal plate that is mounted on the door frame. It is what the latch catches on when you closethe door. If the strike plate is loose, it can cause the latch to stuck. To fix this, you need to remove the screws that hold the strike plate in place. Then, reposition the strike plate so that it lines up with the hole in the door frame. Once you have done this, you can screw it back into place.

Other ways to fix a jammed door latch

Removing the trim on the door can also give you better access to the latch. Nails or screws is what usually hold the trim in place with . Once you remove the trim, you will be able to see the latch and the hole in the door frame. You can then use one of the methods mentioned above to get your door open.

Latch hook is another common problem. When the door is closed, the latch’s hook protrudes from the latch. It closes the door by snagging on the strike plate. A bent latch hook may result in the door being stuck. You must straighten out the latch hook using a pair of pliers in order to fix this.

latch hook
Latch hook

If you have a door that is difficult to close, you may need to adjust the tension on the door. This can be done by adjusting the screws that hold the door in place. If you turn the screws clockwise, it will tighten the door and make it harder to close. If you turn the screws counterclockwise, it will loosen the door and make it easier to close.

A number of factors can cause door tension, which is a common problem. If the door is hard to close, you may need to adjust the tension. You can do this by adjusting the screws that hold the door in place. If you turn the screws clockwise, it will tighten the door and make it harder to close. If you turn the screws counterclockwise, it will loosen the door and make it easier to close. Another factor that can cause door tension is the weather. If it is cold outside, the door may shrink and become difficult to close. In this case, you can try heating up the door with a hairdryer. This will expand the door and make it easier to close.

Who to call?

Call Goodfellow Locksmith today at 720-313-7854 if you are in Denver area. Our licensed technicians will come out quickly and will be able to diagnose the problem and give you a free on-site estimate. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Why wait? Don’t hesitate to call us if you need a locksmith in Denver!

How to avoid the door latch from getting jammed again?

There are several steps you may do to prevent your door latch from jamming again. First, check to see if the latch is clear of all dirt and debris. The latch may not be able to move freely and may become stuck if something is preventing it. Second, use WD-40 or another lubricant to grease the door latch. This will maintain the latch’s smooth operation. The final item to check is that the latch’s hole in the door is the right size. If the hole is too big, the latch might move and become trapped. The image below will take you to Amazon, where you can purchase this WD-40 lubricant.

WD-40 lubricant
WD-40 tri flow lubircant

After you open the door, make sure…

Once the door is open, examine the latch to determine if anything is impeding its ability to move freely. Remove anything obstructing the latch if there is any to prevent further stuckness. Make sure the aperture in the door is free of any debris to avoid your door latch becoming stuck. You may also use WD-40 or similar oil-based lubricant to grease the latch.

Final thoughts

This blog post should have been helpful in assisting you in understanding what to do if your door latch becomes stuck. It’s important to keep in mind that there are various techniques to unlock a jammed door latch. Additionally, be sure to maintain your door latch clean and lubricated if you want to stop it from being caught in the future. Thanks for reading!

If your door is still stuck and none of these methods have worked and if you are in the Denver area, call Goodfellow Locksmith for your door problems. We are a local small business that has been providing quality locksmith services for over 12 years. Our team of experienced locksmiths is here to help you with all of your door needs, whether it be a broken lock or a stuck door latch. Give us a call today! 720-313-7854. Goodfellow Locksmith is your trusted locksmith in Denver!

Have you ever had your door latch get stuck? What did you do to get it open? Let us know in the comments below!

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